5 Tips On How To Make Your Eyelashes Look Longer

Fake lashes can’t be used all the time, they’re not a practical option outside of more formal affairs, and certainly not for everyday wear. They are difficult to apply and can’t be worn for a longer period. Another option for long lashes is to make them grow. There are many ways to make your eyelashes grow, but it will also take quite some time until you see the results. Fortunately for you, we found ways to make your lashes appear longer with almost no effort at all, and in no time. Just follow these 10 simple rules and you’ll will see results immediately and get the look you’ve always wanted.

1. Color Tricks
As we said before, you can use different color mascaras to actually make your lashes look longer. This is similar to the minking technique, and as efficient as that one. So how does it work? For example, putting black along the edge lashes and then brown in the middle can make your lashes appear so much longer and thicker. Just be careful with using different colors, you may get the opposite result if not mixed properly.


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