
Showing posts from February, 2020

Use Castor Oil to Grow Long Hair

Castor oil is one of THE most effective hair growth oils in the world, and has actually been used for thousands of years in many cultures across the world for that purpose. A very thick substance, castor oil has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties and is high in Vitamin E, minerals, proteins, and Omega 6 and 9 beneficial fatty acids. Its unusually high ricinoleic acid ratio makes it beneficial to skin and hair. So how to use castor oil to grow long hair? Keep reading to find out the benefits of this amazing oil and how you can use it to not only grow hair, but thicken it, and get it looking absolutely luscious! CLICK TO READ MORE .

5 Tips On How To Make Your Eyelashes Look Longer

Fake lashes can’t be used all the time, they’re not a practical option outside of more formal affairs, and certainly not for everyday wear. They are difficult to apply and can’t be worn for a longer period. Another option for long lashes is to make them grow. There are many ways to make your eyelashes grow, but it will also take quite some time until you see the results. Fortunately for you, we found ways to make your lashes appear longer with almost no effort at all, and in no time. Just follow these 10 simple rules and you’ll will see results immediately and get the look you’ve always wanted. 1. Color Tricks As we said before, you can use different color mascaras to actually make your lashes look longer. This is similar to the minking technique, and as efficient as that one. So how does it work? For example, putting black along the edge lashes and then brown in the middle can make your lashes appear so much longer and thicker. Just be careful with using different color...

5 Beautiful Hairstyles Ready in 10 Minutes

We know this is so hard for many because not everyone knows the moves and has the skills to make a certain hairstyle, but it’s just like people say: practice makes it perfect. We picked ten simple hairstyles that with practicing, you can make them in ten minutes or less. There is something for everybody’s taste. Just check them out and find your favorite. 1. Beachy Side Braid via Lauren Conrad is one of many bloggers, models and celebrities that few months ago did the same thing: they got themselves a bob. Can we blame them for following the trend? Hell, no! This hairstyle is super cute and even though we don’t have the same options that the long hair gives, the bob has it’s own magic. For example, this hairstyle is a combination of beachy waves with a braid. Simple, and so cute! CLICK TO READ MORE .

How to use baking soda to get rid of dark circle

Before we jump into the recipe, it’s important to understand WHY people get dark circles. There are a few different culprits: Genetics – some people are just pre-disposed to dark circles Not enough sleep – obvious, but one of the most common reasons Dehydrating – not drinking enough water will cause the blood vessels around the eyes to shrink and therefore the area will darken. Bad diet – a diet high in sugars and carbohydrates retains water and can dry up the skin. CLICK TO READ MORE .

5 Super Easy Glittery Nail Art Ideas

Those of you who love painting your nails, know that there are thousands of ideas to be tried, no matter the season, the holiday, the occasion. It’s really fun and polished nails can be the perfect details to a whole outfit. It will take you just few minutes for each idea and you can make almost every of it with just two nail polishes. Check them out and let us know which is your favorite! 1. Mermaid Effect Glitter via To create the mermaid glitter effect, first it’s recommended to coat your nails with white creme gel polish because it makes neon colors to appear brighter. Then, paint your nails in two halves with different colors to create the gradient effect. Use a brush to blend it. When you’re done blending, apply a special nail polish for mermaid effect and last step is covering the nails with topcoat. You can use other colors if these aren’t your thing! CLICK TO READ MORE .

Best Remedies to Get Rid of Skin Tags Naturally

Skin tags on the skin look very awful. They can harm a person’s self-confidence so getting rid of skin tags is a priority. Skin tags are harmless and they are not painful. Skin tags occur due to the buildup of blood vessels and collagen in the thick parts of the skin. These fleshy our growths are tiny in size and visible in deformed in shape. It usually occurs on neck, arms, armpits, eyelids and lower part of the breast. Skin tags can occur in both women and men. They also appear on the face or body where friction occurs. Friction may be caused by rubbing due to clothing, skin to skin contact and jewelry. There are some other factors also that causes skin tags such as genetics, hormones, age and excess weight. You can treat skin tags by trying some home remedies or you can use rush to the doctor. Read this article to know how to get rid of skin tags naturaly. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Peel Off Mask To Remove Blackheads & Minimize Pores

Looking for a simple but effective DIY peel off mask that won’t break the bank? Look no further because this ingredient DIY peel off mask is SO incredibly easy to make and will seriously cost you pennies! The best part? It actually works to extract blackheads, whiteheads, minimize pores, and leave skin smooth, soft, and glowing! Use this peel off mask twice a week to extract impurities as well as to detox the skin! CLICK TO READ MORE .

Get Rid of Underarm Dark Skin, Age Spots, Freckles & Whiten Skin in 7 Days

Dark underarms can cause discomfort and embarrassment. Everyone wants to flaunt their arms by wearing sleeveless but the appearance of dark armpits usually prevents them. In order to get rid of this problem we should take up natural techniques. Most people take up shortcuts and under go laser and other surgeries that can be expensive as well as dangerous for your body. It is always advisable to use nature-based products for diminishing these ugly spots. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Blackhead and Facial Hair Remover

Blackheads and facial hair are some of the most annoying skin issues, and although there they both do reappear, there are ways to remove them at home, naturally! This DIY blackhead and facial hair remover is made with egg whites which means you can try this right NOW…assuming you have an egg at home (which, let’s face it, you probably do!). This simple and natural method has been used for hundreds of years to remove blackheads, whiteheads, and facial hair without any pain, and without breaking the bank. Keep reading to find out how to use this DIY blackhead and facial hair remover. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil Face Wash For Glowing skin

We are all aware of coconut oil and baking soda benefits! These two ingredients are commonly used in skincare since they are easily/readily available, and they work great either individually or together.  A simple baking soda and coconut oil scrub can clean your skin, kill a wide variety of potentially destructive pathogens and make you feel a lot better. Here is a DIY face/body scrub along with its benefits: CLICK TO READ MORE .

Home Remedies for Skin Tag Removal

Skin tags can be of different colors, depending on the accumulation of melanin. They can be brown, black, yellow or even skin color. They are a common skin problem that can occur at any time in life. They are actually groups close of pigment cells called melanocytes and wine skin due to sun exposure or genetic heritage. To avoid harmful chemicals, are turning to natural remedies easily prepared at home that can provide fantastic results. Castor oil and baking soda can also use the mixture of castor oil and baking soda for the same cause. Mix the two ingredients until you get a sticky paste that you apply on the mole. Cover with a bandage and keep it overnight. Morning take it out and rinse. Repeat the procedure every night before bed. CLICK TO READ MORE .

How to Get Rid of Moles Naturally and Fast ?

Although, moles do not pose any health issue, but from an aesthetic point of view, it can make one unappealing and even ugly. There are many medical treatments available to get rid of moles. But. such surgeries can be very expensive and can have some side effects as well. So, here the question arises on the ways to get rid of moles naturally and without surgery. Through in this article, we have tried to suggest you some of the best home remedies for moles removal without surgery. These remedies are simple, safe and effective to use. Before that, let us know what are moles exactly. CLICK TO READ MORE .

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads In 5 Minutes

Blackheads are gross. Most people get a couple in their lifetime, or maybe you have them all the time – either or, they are gross. I’m sure most of us have used those pore strips that rip them out of your face. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t… What is a blackhead? Aside from a gross black mark on your face, honestly…it’s just that! A blackhead is a small black mark (like a blemish) that appears on the surface of your skin. The most common locations are the face, back and ears – though they can occur anywhere on the body. The appear most often in these 3 locations due to the large number of sweat glands that are located in these regions. CLICK TO READ MORE .

5 Simple Ways To Tighten Your Neck Skin

Do you find your loose neck skin bothering you? Are you scared you are ageing too soon and does that very thought make you go embarrassed amongst your peers? Loose neck skin is something we all encounter, but then, isn’t there a way on how to get rid of loose neck skin without having to shell loads of money in expensive treatments? Well, there is! And not one, but ten unique ways of tightening your neck skin and reversing your biological clock! Want to know what they are? Then you must read this post! CLICK TO READ MORE .

5 Pastel Nail Art Ideas You Will Love

If you already have the needed equipment and enthusiasm to do so, but don’t know which designs to choose, check out our list. We prepared 5 ideas that all present pastel colors. The nail art is more minimalistic, but still it depends on you whether or not you are going to add a detail or another color. Choose your favorite and have fun while doing your nails! 1. Shades of Lilac via When one color is not enough, experiment with its’ shades. You are going to be surprised by the result and this nail art idea proves it. As you cans see, lilac is a very pretty color! Just pick two shades that you really like and separate them with a gold metallic line. It will stand out of the overall nail look, but that is just the type of detail we sometimes need! CLICK TO READ MORE .

The Right Way To Pop a Pimple And The Best Way

Pimple are ugly, filthy spots that nobody want to have on their face or any other part of their body. Our first response after seeing them is to crack or pop them. Be cautious, popping pimples isn’t always the best treatment as it usually leads to marks and might lead to the infection. If you want to pop a pimple then you need to be follow the right procedure to pop a pimple without leaving a scar. The pus in the pimple is usually infectious and when it pours out, it can extend the infection to other areas of the skin. This article will help you to pop a pimple effectively and without leaving scar and cleaning the infection also. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Natural Acne Remedies You Can Use for Your Face and Body

If you have tried over-the-counter remedies for acne and found them too harsh, don’t be dismayed. These products often exacerbate the problems by overdrying skin and causing excessive oil production. It might take a month or more for your skin to adjust to your natural acne remedies, but it will be worth it in the end. One of the best products out there for counteracting acne is tea tree oil . This is an essential oil that hails originally from Australund by itself and in many skin care products . If you decide to purchas contains tea tree oil, make sure that the rest of the ingredients are natural and will not clog your pores. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Get Rid of Cellulite Fast and Naturally

How to get rid of cellulite fast and naturally? In the event that you have cellulite then you aren’t different from everyone else. Numerous ladies of all ages have cellulite on their legs, buttocks or stomach. Cellulite happens when fat cells swell through the skin’s external layer, creating a dimpled, rutted appearance. Figure out how to fundamentally reduce the appearance of cellulite with skin care products, some special treatments and lifestyle changes. 1. Water to Get Rid of Cellulite Drink plenty of water. Hydrating your body keeps your skin cells looking new and restored, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite. Drink no less than 8 glasses of water a day to verify your framework is getting all the water it needs. Before you drink your morning coffee or tea, make a habit of drinking a glass of water first. Carry a flask of water with you as you go about your day. Keep in mind to refill it regularly. CLICK TO READ MORE .

How to Get Rid of Back acne and Back acne Scars with natural treatment

Bacne, a blend of “back” and “acne,” is very nearly as common as it is irritating. Pre-pubescent youngsters and grownups much the same who experience the ill effects of bacne comprehend that its an entire different jar of worms to manage than pimples that appear all over. Still, because bacne is caused by overactive sebaceous glands on the back, it imparts some treatment likenesses to different manifestations of acne vulgaris. 1.) Exfoliate to Get Rid of Bacne Exfoliate by utilizing an abrasive wipe or a loofah. Notwithstanding, don’t scrub excessively hard, or you’ll increase irritation. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Home Remedies to Cure Toenail Fungus Fast

Fungus infections affecting the toenails and hands are known in medical terms as Onychomycosis, a condition that can cause discoloration, peeling, and weakening of the nails. Mycosis on the nails is more common in the feet than in the hands, because shoes, socks or exposure to hot and humid places favors their proliferation. However, regardless of the part of the affected body, this condition is quite uncomfortable and can bring about cosmetic problems due to the symptoms it produces, and the way it weakens the nails. To avoid the proliferation of fungi it is very important to keep the areas dry and clean, since the humidity is conducive to its emergence and development. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Boil

Here are few natural remedies for a boil. You may use these ways to get rid of a boil. 1.) Indian Lilac to Get Rid of a Boil: Indian Lilac contains various properties like antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic. It is considered to be great and most effective remedies to get rid of a boil. All you need to grind a handful leaves of Indian Lilac and prepare a paste from it. You may also boil leaves in water till the quantity of water reduces to one-third. After this, use this water for washing affected area. It is a very effective remedy to cure boil. Read Also :  The Right Way To Pop a Pimple And The Best Way 2.) Tea Tree Oil to Treat a Boil: This essential oil is used in various ways for treating various skin-related ailments. It includes antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. In addition, using tea tree oil on a regular basis may help in speeding up the healing process. It provides a lot of relief from irritation caused by boils and skin abscesses. Take litt...

How to Prevent Split Ends Naturally

1.) Get Regular Trimming to Remove Split Ends No matter how good you look after your hair, the everyday combing, washing will cause some damage to your hair, and therefore you can’t prevent split ends entirely. A trim will be necessary at some point to control split ends. But if you will proper care of your hair so it can stretch trim appointment to every eight to twelve weeks or maybe even longer. You just need to keep a regular check on them. If you happen to see a random split end, so take a pair of scissors and cut them. Leaving them uncut is not a good idea, as it could potentially get worse and travel all the way up to the root. Always use sharp scissors or the ones that make for hair cuts. Using a blunt pair can fray your ends and cause more splits after a while. Keep in mind to cut about ¼ of an inch above the split. If you will not so chances are there that split might reappear. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Remedy That Makes Your Nails Grow Faster in Just 8 Days

For one reason or another, nails can get different diseases. Some of them are so ferocious that they end their strength, which makes them break easily. Has it ever happened to you that a nail has broken and you have to cut the rest? When the nail is broken, it is mandatory to cut the others. Otherwise, the remaining nine will be longer than the one that broke. As a result, your hands will look very strange. Can you imagine walking down the street with one of your nails cut them short? CLICK TO READ MORE .

Get Rid of Blackheads With Glue And Other Remedies

Common and irritating blackheads happen, when your pores get clogged with excess sebum (an oil created by the sebaceous glands that keeps skin supple) and dead skin cells. The distinction between a blackhead and a whitehead is simply, whether or not the pore is open or closed. In case that the pore is wide open, the plug of sebum/skin cells oxidizes as it is in contact with the oxygen circulating everywhere, which turns it black. Blackheads are not cause by dirt. Scrubbing your face obsessively is not a good way to get rid of your blackheads, and is just going to aggravate it as you’ll just wind up drying out your skin, that will lead to the creation of more oil to compensate for everything you stripped away. Hence, don’t use any of these blackheads remedies more than twice or thrice a week, the pore strips and sugar scrub can also serve the purpose. I know it can be tricky to resist, but your skin will be better off this way. CLICK TO READ MORE .

Home Remedies for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder which is characterized by redness and irritation and accompanied by thick, itchy, flaky, silver-white patches that are sometimes painful. Other symptoms include inflammation, itching, and pain. The problem of psoriases mostly on the knees, palms, elbows and scalp, but can appear on other parts of the body. It is considered as an autoimmune disease. In autoimmune disease the immune system mistakenly attacks the healthy cells in the body, thereby changing the life cycle of skin cells. Normally skin cells die and mature about once a month. 1.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Psoriasis Apple cider is one the best home remedies for psoriasis, it helps to restore the natural pH balance of the skin and helps to prevent infection. Apple cider vinegar also helps to reduce the itching and skin irritation. Take one teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar and mix it with a glass of water and drink it twice a day, especially during flare-ups. This remedy is also go...

This Mask Will Banish Your Acne

This acne face mask uses all natural ingredients that can be found around the house, but don’t let that fool you – this truly IS the best acne face mask you’ll ever use! These ingredients get deep into the skin to cleanse, rid skin of impurities, blackheads, and dirt, and prevent future breakouts from happening. CLICK TO READ MORE .

How to Make Your Lips Look Bigger

1.) Exfoliate to Make Your Lips Bigger Before starting any of the remedies to get bigger lips, exfoliate the lips. Wipe off your lipstick. Then remove the flaky particles or dead skin from the lips with soft bristle brush. Also, gently massage them. This will cause a swelling in the lips which will help to make the lips fuller. Or put on some sugar on the washcloth and use it to scrub your lips. However, do not do this often this can make your lips dry and chapped. 2.) Kiss and Smile to Make Your Lips Bigger Well, you do not have to kiss anyone, all you have to do is just pretend to do so in order to get fuller lips. Before starting with this technique moisturize your lips. Your broad smile and kiss and kiss are enough to get bigger lips. All you have to do is: Close your lips and smile. Try to stretch the lips from both the ends. Maintain the same pose for a few seconds. Then make a kiss pose, maintain it for a few seconds and then smile again. Do this as many times you can do to get ...

Acne Scar Treatment For Stubborn Scars & Spots

If you’ve ever suffered from acne, you know the scars it can leave and how long it takes to get rid of them! Fortunately, there are a ton of natural acne scar remedies that reduce the appearance of scars, and this DIY acne scar treatment is at the VERY TOP of our list! The reason why this homemade acne scar treatment is so good is because it incorporates very powerful natural ingredients that get deep into the skin to lighten dark spots and scars and also repairs damaged skin tissue. Use this DIY acne scar treatment every night before bed or as often as you’d like and within 2 weeks you should see a noticeable difference! CLICK TO READ MORE .

Best Homemade Eye Masks To Reduce Wrinkles

The skin around the eyes is very fragile and usually the first sign of wrinkle starts on that particular area. If you drink enough water every day in the night and in the morning, the “bags” under your eyes will go away or be eliminated. Due to fatigue or lack of sleep there is the appearance of bags under your eyes which further leads to the formation of dark circles and wrinkles. Let us read to know how to make homemade eye masks for wrinkles prevention. CLICK TO READ MORE .