Natural remedies for broken and exfoliated nails

The nails are exfoliated be a condition caused primarily by internal disorder or due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies and consists of broken nails. I think each of us has happened at least once before I peel his nails. This happened when nails were dehydrated and have modified the composition. Dehydration occurs because of cleaning products we use at home because they contain harmful chemicals. Brittle nails can indicate a lack of calcium, magnesium or vitamins in the body.

Therefore, it would be good to have a proper diet and you make up a healthy diet. Consume foods rich in iron, calcium and magnesium (spinach, eggs, whole grains, green vegetables, fish) and foods rich in vitamins A, B6, C (bananas, almonds, carrots, lentils, citrus fruit). A simple natural treatment for nail regeneration is the mixture of two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil 5-6 drops of vitamin A and juice from half a lemon. The 3 ingredients are put on fire, heated and then dipped into this mix the liquid nails and leave until cool. This treatment is repeated every night for 2 weeks. For regeneration, cleaning, and stabilization is recommended gentle massaging for 5 minutes with baking soda mixed with lemon juice. Delay effects will not occur.


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