Natural remedies for broken and exfoliated nails
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Therefore, it would be good to have a proper diet and you make up a healthy diet. Consume foods rich in iron, calcium and magnesium (spinach, eggs, whole grains, green vegetables, fish) and foods rich in vitamins A, B6, C (bananas, almonds, carrots, lentils, citrus fruit). A simple natural treatment for nail regeneration is the mixture of two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil 5-6 drops of vitamin A and juice from half a lemon. The 3 ingredients are put on fire, heated and then dipped into this mix the liquid nails and leave until cool. This treatment is repeated every night for 2 weeks. For regeneration, cleaning, and stabilization is recommended gentle massaging for 5 minutes with baking soda mixed with lemon juice. Delay effects will not occur.