The best ways to get rid of pimples on nose fast and overnight

Pimple is a common problem for the girls and they often feel insecure about it. The common cause of the pimple is bacteria and dirt. Girls do not like to visit anywhere if they have pimples and they also don’t want any girl to talk about it. Getting rid of it becomes mandatory for them. Applying any of the mentioned techniques will give you better results. You should start working on it right away and start looking good again. 1.) Apply Ice on the Affected Area The most common and age old technique to get rid of pimples on nose fast and overnight is the ice technique. Apply an ice covered in a cloth to the affected area. This will prevent the area from swelling and also enhance blood circulation. This ice technique will also remove any dirt or oil on the affected skin reduce the pimple size and swelling. You should repeat the process 2-3 times in a day for 10-15 minutes for better result. CLICK TO READ MORE .